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The Art of Quick Decision Making


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Hey There! I'm Ellie

I'm Ellie, a partner to Andy and with our two children under 5 we live in the Sunshine Coast, Australia.

I help organisations, just like yours, to attract the best talent who are going to perfom their best in the unique enviroment that is your company, through my Seek and Keep Formula

I started in the London IT recruitment market in 2006 and have been involved at many different levels from agency, internal and now as a consultant to organisations to create great teams of people who stick around and love their job because it fits their natural ways of thinking and being. This is particularly important when building remote and hybrid teams when that daily interaction isn't able to pick up on warning signals.

I have always been interested in personal and professional development so while pondering the question: Why did that person do so well in their previous role but fail in ours? I went off to find out how and why this was a problem and what I could do to stop this from happening again.

Recruitment is too time consuming and expensive to get wrong and I'm not even including the hidden costs that don't get recorded on the profit and loss.

With my unique process I help organisation understand what success looks like, how to measure in interview and how to confidently hire someone while mitgating the risk of a bad hire.

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